Our Climate Commitment

An aerial shot of the Zibi master planned community

We believe planning for a net-zero future is essential to minimize adverse environmental impacts, and addressing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that contribute to climate change will require collaborative action and conscientious decisions.

Reducing GHG emissions is one of Ledcor’s key sustainability priorities, which is why we have joined the Government of Canada’s Net-Zero Challenge and are committed to being net-zero by 2050. 

Our net-zero target covers our operations across Canada and the US and encompasses direct scope 1 emissions, indirect scope 2 emissions, and select scope 3 emissions from our value chain. This commitment is another step forward in our efforts to balance environmental responsibilities with economic prosperity.

Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures logo

Climate Disclosures

Ledcor supports and is aligning with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations.

Ledcor’s pledge to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 underscores our commitment to environmental leadership. We recognize the imperative nature of addressing climate change and remain committed to pioneering sustainable solutions that benefit our planet and communities.

– Jeff Watt, President, Ledcor Group of Companies

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Profile

The following emissions profile outlines how Ledcor collects its Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions data.

Our direct GHG emissions come from the operation of our diverse fleet – from light duty vehicles to mobile equipment, marine vessels, and fixed- and rotary-wing aircrafts. It also includes emissions from sources heating the facilities we own and lease.

Our indirect GHG emissions are predominantly from purchased electricity consumed by our facilities.

As we understand the vast and complex sources of emissions from our value chain, we will incorporate scope 3 categories that contribute significantly to our diversified group of companies  and where we have the most influence. This currently includes:

Category 1: Embodied emissions from select purchased goods and services

Category 6: Business travel emissions, and

Category 7: Employee commuting emissions.

Reducing Emissions and Business Growth

Ledcor uses fiscal year 2012 as a baseline to measure and monitor progress. While absolute scopes 1 and 2 emissions have increased due to the growth of Ledcor’s North American operations and diversification into the aviation sector, a dedicated focus on operational improvements has lowered our emissions intensity when compared to our baseline year.

Our disaggregated absolute emissions are shown below.

a chart of numbers
Ledcor All Absolute Emissions vs Emissions Intensity Graph

With a small set of data available, trending at this time is limited. As we continue to streamline our data collection processes, we will make data-driven decisions to promote climate mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Climate Risks and Opportunities

We work with internal and external stakeholders to analyze our exposure to climate hazards and systematically prioritize risks and opportunities.

Our climate risk assessment and mitigation processes include our Enterprise Risk Management, Crisis Management Plan, Business Continuity Plan, and site-specific Emergency Management Plans.

Climate Action

Ledcor has made strategic changes and investments that have helped us reduce emissions amid business growth and diversification. We will continue to take an innovative and collaborative approach to finding sustainable solutions for a climate-resilient tomorrow.

See how Ledcor is supporting a lower carbon future:

Using innovative technology


Exploring cleaner, alternative fuels

A renewable diesel powered Tugboat towing a barge

Purchasing retread tires

A road construction vehicle maintaining roads in Fort Nelson BC

Building A Sustainable Future

Our in-house expertise in environmental services and partnerships with sustainability-minded suppliers allow us to offer tailored, scalable solutions to meet the needs of our clients in various industries. 

In an evolving marketplace, we believe the ability to design and build in resiliency to reduce the impacts of climate change will help our clients stay competitive and drive lasting change.

Learn more about how we are supporting a lower carbon future through our environmental projects.