Safety. Always.

Nothing is as important as the health and safety of our people and the protection of the environment

At Ledcor, our mission is to build lifetime clients through accountability, innovation, quality, and sustainability. Safety and environment, through sustainability, are core values.

Ledcor workers with safety harness

For 75 Years.  

Health, safety, and environmental protection (HS&E) are ingrained in Ledcor’s culture. From our comprehensive HS&E Management System, to the “Think Safety, Work Safely” awareness initiative, to the hazard assessment and control processes on job sites, our award-winning programs go above and beyond industry standards to make sure that everyone goes home safe and sound at the end of the day.

We emphasize active and visible leadership to ensure leaders in the field are demonstrating and instilling what Ledcor’s HS&E culture is all about. Every individual Ledcor team member plays an integral part in ensuring that they and others live up to HS&E expectations both on and off the job. Individual ideas to improve safety are constantly encouraged, implemented, recognized, and built upon to make each day safer than the last.

Once someone signs on with Ledcor, they become part of our family. Nothing is more personal than sending a member of your family to a job site or situation that has potential hazards. To keep ALL of our employees safe, it’s imperative that we do things correctly and safely—always.

- Tom Lassu, President, Ledcor Group of Companies

Safety Commitments

Our most important asset is our people. To continually improve and promote a positive HS&E culture, we ask our employees to live our seven Safety Commitments and recognize eight Life Critical Risks , ensuring there are controls in place to reduce the potential for and prevent life-altering or fatal injuries.

ledcor workers inspecting equipment
Man and Woman  reviewing details wearing saftey gear

Beyond Best Practices

Our Health, Safety, and Environmental (HS&E) Management System also provides the corporate framework to promote physical, psychological, and social wellbeing and protect our employees, our workplaces, and our environment. It fosters organizational consistency while allowing operational flexibility.

The HS&E Management System sets the minimum, mandatory HS&E requirements for our operating groups, while granting them the authority, accountability, and autonomy to determine how they will fulfil the requirements relevant to their operations.

Ledcor is COR® 2020 certified by the Infrastructure Health & Safety Association (IHSA). Visit here to view our IHSA certificates.