Ledcor Cares

Ledcor Is a Proud Supporter of Little Warriors and the Be Brave Ranch

February 1, 2017

Ledcor Is a Proud Supporter of Little Warriors and the Be Brave Ranch

Every child deserves a childhood. Ledcor has created a lasting legacy by donating to Little Warriors and the Be Brave Ranch. 

Ledcor is a proud supporter of Little Warriors and the Be Brave Ranch. Since 2010, Corporate and Divisional funding combined with monies raised through our Annual Employee Giving Campaign has brought $406,681.90 in support of this charitable organization dedicated to awareness, prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse.

“Ledcor’s support of Little Warriors means that their work to help prevent and treat child sexual abuse can continue through prevention education delivery and trauma therapy for child sexual abuse survivors. Donor contributions are pivotal to the continued operations and essential to the lives of children across Canada.” - Laurie Szymanski, Executive Director 


Ledcor Is a Proud Supporter of Little Warriors and the Be Brave Ranch

The “Ledcor Group Recreation Room” was dedicated in appreciation of Ledcor’s support when the Be Brave Ranch opened its doors in 2014. The Ranch is a long-term treatment center focused solely on helping children (age 8-12) who have been sexually abused, as well as their families. The Be Brave Ranch program (supported by Little Warriors) offers these children a place to heal and increases their chances of growing into healthy adults. Little Warriors covers all costs associated with the treatment program at the Ranch, which is located east of Edmonton, Alberta.

Children go to the Ranch for over 200 hours of therapy in a camp like setting over a one year period. Clinical results confirm the success of the treatment program including an almost 50% reduction in child post-traumatic stress disorder scores (PTSD), a reduction in the number of children experiencing PTSD, significant reductions in depression and anxiety and forecasts that also suggest reduced mental health related issues and enriched outcomes for these children and society in the future.

“Our daughter was in one of the first groups to go to the Ranch. Before she went she was scared, hurting and really didn¹t want to go… Now that her time at the Ranch is done, I can only say she is AMAZING. She is open with her dad and I, she has dreams and hopes for the future, she has become more involved in activities. She developed many relationships with other kids she met at the Ranch and keeps in touch with them….I can¹t thank the Little Warriors Ranch and everyone who has invested time into our daughter’s life over the past year enough. I feel like we have our little girl back and there is hope. I am enjoying watching her become a young lady and can¹t wait to see where her life leads her.”

Testimonials like this remind us of the great work that Little Warriors is doing and we look forward to our continued partnership.

Courage can conquer fear. Learn more at www.littlewarriors.ca or follow Little Warriors on
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